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Window and blind cleaning

Windows are tedious and unruly surfaces to clean. And that most people do not get their fingers between the shutters makes the whole thing even harder. However, we know what to look for if the windows should not show any residue after cleaning. With the same care we also take care of their blindfolds.

Seasonal cleaning

Every season has its own problems with cleaning. In spring / summer you will find pollen in the far corners. In the colder seasons, especially the outdoor areas suffer from the weather. That is why it is essential for us to adapt our service to the given season.


To clean something is one thing. It's another story that stays clean. Depending on the field of application, we use various techniques and materials to protect the work performed against wear and renewed contamination for as long as possible.

We love Honesty

I am amazed that your English is so good. I could not recognize my apartment when I returned from work. It was so satisfying to see my apartment so clean.